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International Manifesto: Long live the rebellion of the Peruvian people!

Liga Unitaria Chavista Socialista (LUCHAS) - Venezuela; Militancia Revolucionaria Socialista - Dominican Republic; Movimiento por el Socialismo - Paraguay; Opinión Socialista - Argentina; Resistência/PSOL - Brazil; Semear o Futuro - Portugal

LEIA EM PORTUGUÊS Manifesto internacional: Viva a rebelião do povo peruano!

LEA EN ESPAÑOL Manifiesto internacional: ¡Viva la rebelión del pueblo peruano!

The Peruvian people’s uprising against the political regime, and in particular its legislative branch, is an event that deserves the full support of the people of all of Latin America and the world. To the chant of “they don’t represent us”, thousands of young people took part in heroic days of action that forced interim President Manuel Merino to resign. Merino was imposed by Congress after it deposed Martín Vizcarra by means of a parliamentary agreement.

The people need to consign this rotten regime to the dustbin of history, a regime which, just like the Peruvian ruling class, has surrendered to imperialism and is incapable of offering the people anything except corruption, precarious work, the plundering of natural wealth, and for dessert, a terrible response to the Coronavirus pandemic. This mobilization calls into question all the institutions of the state, and opposes a political system that has kept intact all the anti-working class and anti-people reforms left over from the regime of dictator Fujimori.

The governments that have succeeded the dictator all followed with the same prescriptions, and corruption was the currency of exchange with which they handed the country over to the multinationals. In this way, each successive government has been associated with corruption scandals. The payment of bribes to the construction company Odebrecht for building public works in Peru demonstrates just how rotten the Peruvian bourgeoisie is. This level of corruption has caused the regime and its traditional parties to explode.

The response to the popular demands was bloody repression that left hundreds wounded and two young people dead: Brian Pintado and Inti Sotelo. The repression of the people cannot go unpunished and all perpetrators must pay for the murders and injuries that they have caused. We demand punishment and justice for those politically responsible for the murders of Brian Pintado and Inti Sotelo and for all human rights violations against the population who only exercised their right to protest. The experience of the Latin American people demonstrates that independent organization, supported by permanent mobilization, is the only guarantee of victory. We have to build a huge international campaign to achieve this primary and strategic objective. Without memory, truth and justice will never occur.

The same method that brought Manuel Merino to power, who was later overthrown by the popular mobilizations, was used to appoint Francisco Sagasti, who intends to govern by placating the street mobilizations, preventing the punishment of police forces, and continuing with the prescriptions of imperialism. Sagasti’s declaration regarding his intention to request a new IMF loan, his refusal to enable a referendum on the constituent assembly, and his statements regarding the repression of the people that limit punishment to a few police personnel and not to those who are politically responsible, all show that nothing will change under the new President.

The demand for a new constitution is an urgent necessity for the solving of the great problems of the population, a demand that is inspired by the heroic struggle of the Chilean people against the same imperialist prescriptions that have made life unbearable.

The Constituent Assembly is a political tool that aims to reorganize society on new foundations. For this to be possible, it is necessary to promote the broadest and most democratic popular participation, to self-organize for this objective, to go beyond the experiences of the past while taking them into account, and to promote the formation of popular assemblies or “cabildos abiertos” (open town hall meetings) in which the main problems afflicting the population can be discussed.

If this were to flourish, it would be the seed of a new government that represents the interests of the working class, youth, and women, and which would have as its objective free access to education, health, and housing, would guarantee care for the environment, and guarantee the rights and freedoms that are being systematically denied. It would have to put to an end the submission to the IMF that all governments offer, and support us in solidarity with the peoples of the world who suffer the same ills.

The people of Peru are not alone. They are fighting alongside the Chilean people and the Latin American working class. To strengthen these ties, it is necessary to promote the broadest solidarity in all countries by organizing actions and active solidarity initiatives with the Peruvian people.

– Down with the Constitution of Fujimori!

– For a Peoples’ Constituent Assembly!

– Justice for Brian, Inti and all the injured!


This Manifesto signed by:

Liga Unitária Chavista Socialista (LUCHAS) / Chavista Socialist Unity League (“STRUGGLES”) – Venezuela

Militancia Revolucionaria Socialista (MRS) / Revolutionary Socialist Militancy – Dominican Republic

Movimiento por el Socialismo (MPS) / Movement for Socialism – Paraguay

Opinión Socialista (OS) / Socialist Opinion – Argentina

Resistência-PSOL / Resistance-Party of Socialism and Freedom – Brazil

Semear o Futuro / Sowing for the Future – Portugal

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