Bolsonaro flirts with the coup: it’s time to defend Lula’s victory in the streets!

Publicado em: 2 de novembro de 2022


By Resistência-PSOL, translated from portuguese by Daniel Kraucher

Esquerda Online

Esse post foi criado pelo Esquerda Online.


By Resistência-PSOL, translated from portuguese by Daniel Kraucher

Esquerda Online

Esse post foi criado pelo Esquerda Online.


Ouça agora a Notícia:

Bolsonaro spoke, 48 hours after the election results. The deafening silence was part of the coup mobilizations that began with the road blocks by bolsonarist businessmen and truck drivers. The Federal Highway Police (PRF) so far has not fully complied with the Superior Electoral Court’s decision of clearing the roads, acting with omission and, in some cases, even openly supporting the blockages. The decision was backed by the Supreme Court and PRF’s refusal to comply with it is absolute criminal.

In the afternoon, Bolsonaro’s statement was used to reinforce the continuity of these mobilizations. First, because he says he understands the protesters’ indignation, second because he never recognized the legitimacy of the election and, third, because he insisted on speaking only to the 58 million Brazilians who voted for him and ignoring the majority of voters in the country.

The recognition of the transition by Ciro Nogueira is dubious, and may have the objective of gaining time and continuing to test the coup mobilizations. When talking about “playing within the four lines of the Constitution”, Bolsonaro, far from committing himself to legality, is whistling to his base on the streets, because in the parallel reality in which they live, they are there to support the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces to make use of measures such as the “Guarantee of Law and Order” and/or the article 142 of the Federal Constitution, according to the coup interpretation they established. The neo-fascist sect in its most truculent strata has long been talking about “constitutional military intervention”.

Bolsonaro works with an official message and an unofficial one. Bolsonaro’s speech today is the official line, but the orientation that circulates in bolsonarist groups and the call for national mobilizations of the far right is also a policy orchestrated by the government. The Liberal Party [PL] is its legal party, but the bolsonarist movement is far beyond the limits of legality. In this four years in government, Bolsonaro managed to turn into his base and obtained control over part of the apparatus of the federal and state security forces, which could end up helping this movement to feel more comfortable and insist with the road blocks.

It is necessary to respond immediately by demanding that State institutions fulfill their role, allowing access to the roads, affirming the legitimate results of the elections and punishing any disobedience, especially within the forces of repression.

Anything less than the immediate punishment, exoneration and imprisonment of any police officer who fails to comply with court orders or supports coup movements by action or omission is unacceptable, starting by the director general of PRF, Silvinei Vasques.

Immediate suspension of all social media that are agitating and calling for blockades and/or other coup actions that call for military intervention!

Our task is to occupy the streets with mobilizations in defense of the result of the polls. Today, the “Frente Brazil Popular” [Popular Brazil Front] and the “Frente Povo Sem Medo” [People Without Fear Front] will meet. In our opinion the meeting should organize and call for broad mobilizations in defense of democracy, together with all social and popular movements. The coup spirit that exists within bolsonarism cannot gain strength and popular sympathy. It needs to be crushed now.

Let’s take the streets!

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